5 Best Personal Loans for a Great Credit Score

Personal Loans for an Excellent Credit Score

Amidst all the criteria you need to satisfy to get approved for a loan, an excellent credit score is like having a pair of aces! It gives you direct access to the best lenders and the lowest interest rates. And here’s why. If you have a credit score of 720 or higher, lenders look at you as a desirable borrower posing the lowest risk. And this means you’re not just eligible for a personal loan, but you have a wider range of lenders offering you loans for the best terms and rates. However, this doesn’t mean you choose any loan or lender that comes your way. Never hold back from shopping around and comparing loans before you decide which one is best for you.

Top 5 Personal Loans for an Excellent Credit Score


This is one of the top lenders looking for borrowers with great credit. LightStream is the lending arm of SunTrust Bank and offers loans up to $100,000. It also provides a co-signing option to borrowers. There are no fees involved, and the starting rates can be as low as 5.49%. So if you have a long credit history and a score of 720 or above, LightStream is meant for you.


Meant for credit-worthy borrowers with high income, SoFi is an excellent choice if you have a high credit score. Just like LightStream, SoFi also provides loans up to $100,000 at interest rates starting at 5.74%. Besides flexible terms and low-interest rates, SoFi also offers perks to its members in the form of networking events, resume and interview help, access to investors, etc.


Owned by Goldman Sachs, Marcus is another smart choice for those with a good credit score. This lender offers loans up to $40,000 with rates starting 5.99%. There is no origination or late fee, or prepayment penalty involved. Personal loans from Marcus are especially great for debt consolidation because they allow you to consolidate all types of debt. 


If you wish to use your exceptional credit score for educational or professional development, Upstart is for you. This is one of the few loan companies that allow you to use funds for post-secondary education. Although the interest rates offered by Upstart are not as low as the others listed above, there are other benefits that come with choosing this lender. Upstart partners with over 15 bootcamps across the country and provide waivers on academic and employment eligibility criteria.

Rocket Loans

A subsidiary of Quicken Loans, which is the largest mortgage lender in the country, Rocket Loans is another great choice for borrowers with a high credit score. If you’re looking for a quick loan, Rocket Loans is best for you. With interest rates as low as 6.85%, this lender approves and funds loans up to $45,000 in real-time.

No doubt there is a wide variety of online lending options available today. But this also means you can be easily misled by unreliable lenders. So before you make a choice, be sure to compare the differences in the loans these top lenders are offering in the market. And don’t fail to take advantage of the power of choice you get with your stellar credit score!